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Lilybelle (Belle) Occeno

作者: 日期: 2023-01-03 浏览:

Hi, I’m Belle from the Philippines. I grew up on one of the many tropical islands here. Roxas City is rich in seafood, hence the name "Seafood Capital of the Philippines." The house I grew up in is just 15 minutes away from the beach, but ironically, I never learned how to swim! I'm now based in Manila, known for its iconic landmarks like Intramuros (the Walled City), Binondo (the first and oldest Chinatown in the world), and Manila Bay (known for its picturesque sunsets).

I’ve been teaching English as a Second Language for 13 years. I taught primary and intermediate students for 6 years in the Philippines. When I was in Indonesia, I taught high school students in Jakarta, and nursery children in Batam, then when I came to Shenyang in 2018, I taught EAP for freshmen students in LU. I love teaching and the experience of being together with students gives me a sense of satisfaction that inspires me to do my best.

