Aaron Volkmann
职称 -- EAP Instructor, VU English
地址 -- AABC, Liaoning University, Shenyang, China
职务 --
邮编 -- 110136
邮箱 -- Aaron.Volkmann@vu.edu.au

Hello everyone! My name is Aaron Volkmann, and I am pleased to be working with both Liaoning University and Victoria University English for the upcoming term. I have been teaching English for many years in different parts of the world, and I first started with VUE in 2012 in Shenyang at AABC.

I hope you are all ready for the interesting and exciting challenges we will face in EAP 5. I will be guiding and supporting you the entire way.

If we all stay positive, focused, and engaged, I’m sure this will be an excellent term together.

Good Good Study, Day Day Up!

ELICOS English for Academic Purposes (EAP) level 5

