Tariq H. Malik
职称 -- 教授
地址 -- 辽宁省沈阳市皇姑区崇山中路66号
职务 -- 辽宁大学组织与创新研究国际中心主任
邮编 -- 110136
邮箱 -- t.h.malik@lnu.edu.cn

Tariq H. Malik教授现为辽宁大学组织与创新研究国际中心主任,管理学教授。Tariq H. Malik教授主要从事技术创新管理、国际商务以及企业家精神方面的研究,尤其在技术创新管理方面的研究颇有建树。Tariq H. Malik教授先后在SSCI收录的国际高水平学术期刊,如《Technology Forecasting & Social Science》、《Research Policy》、《International Business Review》等国际知名学术杂志发表论文数篇。他担任国内外知名期刊的编委会成员,如《Asia Business Management》, 《Asia Business Management Review》,《LNU Journal》, 《Current Psychology》, 《Management Revue》,《RAE-Revista de Administração de Empresas》.同时兼任《Academy of Management Journal》、《Organization Science》、《Research Policy》、《International Business Review》、《R&D Management》等多个国际知名学术研究杂志匿名审稿人。Tariq H. Malik教授还在国际知名管理会议上获得了最佳评论奖。

战略管理,国际商务,创新与企业家精神,组织发展。在《Research Policy》,《Technology Forecasting & Social Change》,《International Business Review》等出版著作上发表论文近60余篇。
1)Tariq H. Malik. Industrial technology spill-over from secrecy to society as Industrial Privilege or social Adversity. 美国印第安纳布卢明顿:IUniverse 出版社, 2001年
2)Tariq H. Malik. Meliorism of Research Methodology. 新加坡&伦敦:MCM 出版社, 1998年
1)Malik, T. H. (2018). Defence Investment and the Transformation National Science and Technology: A      Perspective on the Exploitation of High Technology. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 127, 199-208.
2)Malik, T. H. (2018). Society-Nature-Technology (SNT) Nexus: Institutional Causes and Cures of National Morbidities. Technological Forecasting and Social Change.
3)Malik, T. H. (2017). Institution and the Transformation of National Science to National Product: Vertical Technology Transfer: Technology forecasting and Social Change: Volume 118, 324-333
4) Malik, T. H. (2016). Foreign Innovation Projects in the Biopharmaceutical Industry in China: An Analysis of Operational Complexity and Inter-organizational alliance Technology Analysis and Strategic Management: (with Yun, Jiang): Doi.org/10.1080/ 09537325.2016.1243659
5) Malik, T. H. (2016).The Negotiator's Power as Enabler and Cultural Distance as Inhibitor in the International Alliance Formation: International Business Review Vol. 25: Issue; 1043–1052 (Co-author with Yazar, O. DUFE)
6) Malik, T. H. (2013).University-industry Link and International Technology Transfer, Research Policy, Volume 42, Issue 3, April 2013, Pages 776–78
7) Malik, T. H. (2013) "Positive effects of opinion-count on job satisfaction (engagement for innovation) of team members in business enterprises", Journal of Communication Management, Vol. 17  Issue: 1, pp.56 – 74

